1. Stafford Loans Federal Student Loan Guide
Eligibility Requirements
Be sure your federal student loans are really really bad before you consider student loan forgiveness programs. They won't wave a magic wand and you can walk away scott-free. No, you have to work for these babies. And often, they will not pay the entire loan off, just part of it. Here are the eligibility requirements.
You are eligible if you are doing a lengthy spot of volunteer work from only these three volunteer groups:
Peace Corps
Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA)
Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA)
You are also eligible for federal student loan forgiveness programs if you are in the military, including the National Guard. You are also eligible if you are a teacher in certain low-income areas (including the entire state of Mississippi). You must contact the American Federation of Teachers for the most recent eligibility list. It's easier to just bite the bullet and pay the loans back, isn't it?
Unusual Areas Of Forgiveness
For some reason only Fortuna knows, attending certain schools or getting certain loans can make you eligible for forgiveness programs. Since these programs change, you need to always check these out before committing to anything. If you attended Baker University's Colleges of Arts And Sciences in Kansas, you're probably eligible. No reason.
If you studies law enforcement, penology, parole and probation or law in Alaska under the benefit of the Michael Murphy Loan, you are also eligible ... both of you. (That was a joke.)
If you word for the state of Maryland and make less than $40,000 before taxes per year, then you are also eligible.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/979240 Federal Student Loan Guide