2012年10月29日 星期一

Refinancing Private Student Loans Tips


1. Understand What Loans You Can Refinance
2. Know Why And How Your Payment Is Changing
3. Read The Fine Print
4. Check Your Credit Score
5. Look For Incentives  Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7149079
Private Student Loans Tips,Student Loans Tips,Student Loans


Managing Student Loan Debt Tips


1. Maintain the "Broke" Student Mentality
2. Develop a Cash Flow Statement and a Budget and Stick to Them
3. Monitor Your Credit Report
4. Learn About Your Student Loans and Your Repayment Options
5. Think About Lowering Your Interest Rate with Student Loan Consolidation Programs
6. ALWAYS Pay Off Your Higher Interest Loans First
7. Defer Payments if Necessary. Do Not DefaultArticle Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7108782